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an eclectic collection of interesting information about health, work, money and life style.

Life Skills

Children's Birthday Invitations

A birthday party is a special occasion in any child's life, and it is made memorable by the loving presence of parents, relatives, and good friends. Parents want their child's birthday party to be extra special with unique touches that capture the child's interests and sentiments.

Decorating Your Home For Easter


Few people string lights up outdoors for Easter. But a great way to greet guests on this special day is to have a string on the front door in the shape of a colorful egg or bunny. You can even make a nice design in the shape of an Easter lily.

It's no accident that Easter is close to the beginning of Spring when the Earth comes alive. This ancient festival began as a celebration of fertility and new beginnings. You can help show that by planting some Easter flowers in yellow, red and blue - all traditional colors.

Personalized Easter Gifts

Nothing says 'I thought about your gift' better than a personalized item. Luckily, the variety of choices available today is stunning.

Easter Flower Gift Ideas for Everyone

Start the season off right by selecting some bright tulips. Yellow, orange, pink or purple, they are available in all the Easter colors. Put them in a brightly colored pail and decorate the handle with a ribbon and an Easter tag in the shape of a bunny.

A bucket of blossoms isn't the only way to deliver those delightful Easter flowers, though. A beautiful coffee cup full of violet plants can be more than just petals on a plate. The cup itself can reflect the fine color of these welcome messengers of Spring.

Beat The Winter Blues!

Do the gloomy days of winter have you down in the dumps? Cheer up. Just because the leaves have fallen and the weather has turned cold is no cause for a frown. Here are some practical ways to beat the blahs this winter season.

Tips To Increase Longevity

They have good genes to be sure, but there are other factors that play a role. For those with good genes, even smoking and eating not-so-healthy food can’t deter them from living to a ripe old age. But, this is not the norm.

Here are some tips from those who have made the leap to centenarian. Others are well on their way and you can make it too. Keep reading.

Dance Therapy In Seniors

If you’ve ever seen a young person dance then you know it can be hard work. But it is also good exercise and fun to do. For seniors, dancing is not only healthy but also a way to interact with others their own age.

Getting old is not for sissies. It can be tough to find out that one day your joints are stiff and you can’t move as fast as you once did. This can lead to depression, isolation and feelings of loneliness in the older generation.

Exercise Tips For Chair-Bound Or Frail Seniors

We all need to get the body moving in one way or another. There are too many benefits to exercise for all of us to ignore it. Exercise builds muscle. The human body is a machine. That muscle burns fat and helps to give us strength to do the things we do each day.

For a senior, strength is important. With bone loss and lower amounts of calcium, it can be easier to break a hip or arm as a result of a fall. Keeping the body fit can improve balance and prevent falls that can be life-threatening.