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an eclectic collection of interesting information about health, work, money and life style.


Choosing Safe Outdoor Play Equipment for Children

Children love to be outside in the sunshine and fresh air. And they need unstructured play to develop some skills they’ll need later in life. If they can find a great park to play in they can be occupied for hours climbing, jumping, and playing on the equipment. As a parent you may want to give your children the same type of fun at home, so you may be looking for hints on choosing safe outdoor play equipment for children in your own family.

Keeping Your House and Basement Mold Free

Depending upon where you live, you may experience a problem with mold in your house. Other factors include how old your house is and what the weather is like where you live. Keeping your house and basement mold free is important because mold makes your home potentially dangerous to your family.

First Aid Kit Essential Checklist

It is important to be prepared for whatever life throws at you. One way you can do this is to have a well-stocked first aid kit. What items should you include?

Keep Summer Safe

Keep Yourself and Your Family Summer Safe

Let us remind you of some common sense tips to keep safe under the weather and within your environment, as well as how to take care of your skin, for beauty as well as health.

The sun

It warms the earth and helps the plants grow. We don’t often think about it except in relation to the fun we can have when it is shining. But, the sun gives off ultraviolet rays that can damage our skin if we are not careful. Whenever you or your family are going to be out in the sun for long periods of time, follow a few safety tips.

Summer Sun Safety

Summer sun safety for children is something on parents’ minds as the temperatures rise and the days lengthen. You want your children to spend time playing outside but the possibility of getting sunburned is an ever-present thought. Here are some guidelines to help you know how to keep your children safe in the summer sun.

Kids Safe Around Swimming Pool

Swimming is a common activity for families during the summer months. Even though it can be a great activity for everyone, it can also be dangerous for young children. Therefore, keeping kids safe around a swimming pool is a top priority.

The Dangers of Tick Bites

We are told not to let the bedbugs bite, but what about ticks? When the weather gets warm, they can come out in droves. Trees are not just pretty to look at or sit under to get cool; they become places where you can encounter ticks.

Ticks can be either hard or soft shelled. They have several segmented legs like spiders. A tick’s primary source of food is blood. It doesn’t have to be your blood. They have no particular affinity for humans, but you might be the source of their next meal if you are nearby.

Head Injuries in Children

The last thing any parent wants to see is their child with a bleeding head. Head injuries are common in children because they like to play and display no fear. If you suspect that your child has a head injury, learn how to handle it.

Treat Cuts and Scrapes

We were all children once. Getting hurt, while playing, was considered a sign of courage. But, you don’t want to grow into adulthood showing those same scars. Here are some safe ways to treat childhood cuts and scrapes.