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Keeping Your House and Basement Mold Free

Depending upon where you live, you may experience a problem with mold in your house. Other factors include how old your house is and what the weather is like where you live. Keeping your house and basement mold free is important because mold makes your home potentially dangerous to your family.

Do you have family members who seem to always have a cold? Do they sneeze or have a runny nose? How about asthma or chronic fatigue? All of these can be symptoms of having a mold problem. In extreme cases, breathing the mold spores can lead to serious health issues or even death.

Mold grows and flourishes in cool, wet or dark areas of your home. It could be your basement where the waterproofing is faltering or the attic where there is little ventilation and possibly a leaky roof. You could also find mold in and around sinks and bathtubs. Leaky faucets are notorious for the spread of mold.

Go through your home and take the sniff test. If you smell a musty smell, there’s a good chance mold is the culprit. The mustier your home smells, the more mold is probably present. Of course, if you’d rather pay a professional mold inspector to come and inspect your home for mold, that is your prerogative. Be prepared to spend quite a bit of money to do so.

Once you find mold you want to get rid of it immediately. Small areas of mold can be cleaned up by using a solution of bleach and water. This can be used on most surfaces. Larger areas of mold, however, will take quite a bit more effort to remove.

Mold sometimes makes its way into the walls or the floorboards of your home. In these cases you’ll need to remove the material which has the mold on it. This could mean tearing out walls and replacing the plasterboard. Or you may have to pull up the flooring – carpeting and subfloor – to remove all traces of mold. Be sure to use a mask and goggles to keep mold from hurting you and plenty of ventilation while working.

To prevent mold from taking a foothold in your home, you can try one of the following:

  • Keep moisture down in your home. You can do this by inspecting your home for leaks. Check the basement’s waterproofing for damage and the attic as well. If you find moisture, determine where it is coming from and stop it.
  • Measure the moisture in your home and then purchase a humidifier for each level of your home. This will dry the air and remove excess moisture.
  • Provide ample ventilation throughout your home. Add ceiling fans and ventilation fans in bathrooms and kitchens as well as in basements and attics.
  • Install new gutters on your roof and keep them cleaned out. You can also guide water away from your foundation with landscaping.
  • Replace the moisture barrier if possible. If you’re building a new home, insist upon a rubber barrier rather than tar.

Keeping your house and basement mold free takes some effort, but the result is worth it. Not only does having a mold-free home ensure your family remains healthy, it can also improve the resale value of your home.