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an eclectic collection of interesting information about health, work, money and life style.

General health

Kick-start your fitness: Why boxing is great for women

If you are bored with your workout routine or you’re looking for a fitness program that really kicks your rear, consider kick-boxing. Kick-boxing is a fantastic sport for everyone but it is particularly great for women. Here is why

Get a flat tummy fast! 9 Easy Tips

Muffin top, spare tire, love handles, we have many cute names for that extra weight around the middle. Trouble is, it does not feel so cute when it’s your stomach. And to be honest, flat abdominals are just plain sexy. You feel great and you look great. See how to get rid of that cute weight and get a flat tummy fast!

The Difference between Colds and Flu

The fall and winter season brings us Thanksgiving and Christmas. It also brings us runny noses and sore throats. Many people suffer from colds and flu symptoms during the winter. The flu can be more severe even life threatening. This article will help you learn to tell the difference between a cold and the flu.

Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD

We have always heard that the holidays are hard on some people. In fact, the incidence of suicide and depression increase during the holiday season. It could be physiological. Find out more about seasonal affective disorder.

Teething Remedies

Teething can be a horrible time for babies. Not only does a new tooth cause pain and discomfort for your little one, it also can be scary to have something new growing inside their mouth. While there are lots of products on the market, such as baby Tylenol and teething gels, these products can be dangerous for your child. Before you go shopping at the pharmacy aisle, try some of these natural remedies to stop teething pain.

First Aid Kit Essential Checklist

It is important to be prepared for whatever life throws at you. One way you can do this is to have a well-stocked first aid kit. What items should you include?

How Pets Improve Your Health

What is it about pets? For one they are loyal and loving. That is why many people take them into their homes in the first place. A pet will show you unconditional love.

Love can be contagious and for those who have lost a loved one or a family member, having a pet around can partially fill that void. Pets become in tune with their owners as they learn to live together.

The Health Benefits of Acupressure

Acupressure is a form of ancient Chinese medicine that is used to heal the body of pain and discomfort. Here is the Western world, many are discovering that this type of holistic healing can work with traditional medicine to deal with ailments without all of the harsh side effects of some treatments.

Tips To Increase Longevity

They have good genes to be sure, but there are other factors that play a role. For those with good genes, even smoking and eating not-so-healthy food can’t deter them from living to a ripe old age. But, this is not the norm.

Here are some tips from those who have made the leap to centenarian. Others are well on their way and you can make it too. Keep reading.

Self Massage

A massage sounds like a great idea, doesn’t it? But if no one else is around, how are you going to get the stress relief that you need? Well, you can give yourself the massage instead.