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Self Massage

It doesn’t sound like much fun when you first think about it. We all want to be pampered and it just isn’t the same when you have to do it to yourself. But, self-massage has many benefits for you without the price tag that comes with having a regular masseuse.

Stress Management

Self-massage is great to help you manage day-to-day stressful situations. Case in point is sitting in traffic. That can get anyone’s neck in a knot. When you get home, soothe away that tension with a little neck rub.

Massage helps to increase blood flow to all parts of the body, especially the one that you are massaging. More blood flow means more oxygen to the organs and the brain. That improves mental acuity.

Other Massage Benefits

According to ancient Chinese healing, pain in the body is a result of blocked “chi” or life energy. Massages break up that blockage so that energy can flow freely again throughout your body.

Along that same vein, massage therapy can boost your immunity. It releases toxins trapped in your tissues so they can be removed. Endorphins are also released, resulting in a state of wellbeing that resists headaches, depression and other forms of mental illness.

How to Perform Self-Massage

You may be wondering how you are going to get all of these wonderful benefits by yourself. It’s simple. Here are a few tips for self-massage.

Realistically, you are the only one who knows exactly where your tension lies when you get stressed. You are also the only one who knows how much pressure to use to start feeling the benefits of the massage.

The setting – Find a nice, quiet place to set the mood for your massage. In the middle of a room full of screaming kids just won’t cut it. Find a place to yourself. Put on relaxing music if you want.

The tools – You will need something to massage with. Most massage therapists will use some sort of oil. This can be baby oil, or even olive oil will do. There are massage oils both fragrant and heat activated that can be purchased. Massages are also done with kneading handheld massagers and electric ones.

Getting started – Begin where it hurts, for example the neck or the feet. Slowly massage the area in circular motions from the inside out. If the knot isn’t breaking up, use a little more pressure. Massaging tools like those mentioned above give your hands a rest for a while.

Massages are used to release tension and create a sense of overall health. Self-massaging techniques are cheaper than hiring a massage therapist and can give you many of the same benefits.