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What you want to know about gardening.

Small Garden Pond Ideas

People often use landscaping and flower gardens to beautify their yard. Perhaps you’d like to use something different. Why not try some of these small garden pond ideas and see how distinct they can make your yard appear.

Designing Your Own Irrigation System

Do you get tired of dragging out the water hose whenever the flowers in your yard look droopy? You may be wondering if designing your own irrigation system is a good idea. The fact is that you can install an irrigation system on a budget if you take the time to learn more about it and do the work yourself.

September Gardening

But now the summer is nearing an end. You may be wondering what you can do in September to prepare your garden for the coming winter and the next summer.

Gardens of St. Petersburg

Summer Garden (Letny Sad)

The Letny Sad is one of St. Petersburg's oldest and finest gardens. Designed to provide Peter the Great with a leisurely stroll, visitors can easily imagine themselves in his shoes. Built along classical lines, the grounds are laid out according to a strict geometric plan. Yet, there's nothing rigid or tense about the atmosphere.

Companion Planting Explained

One of the secrets to successful organic gardening is something called companion planting. When chemical herbicides and pesticides aren’t allowed, as they wouldn’t be if you’re gardening organically, then companion planting is an excellent solution.

Aromatherapy Uses

There are plenty of applications for aromatherapy and these multiple aromatherapy uses are half of the reason why it is so popular, the other half being the pleasure to the senses from the aromas and the ease of use.

How to Attract Wildlife into your Garden

Wildlife in the garden helps our eco-structure and certain insects, birds, butterflies, bees and bugs are all beneficial to our garden plants as well as garden life cycle.

How to Get Rid of Slugs in the Garden Naturally

Slugs can be a big problem when it comes to plants and vegetables. Many gardeners have been reduced to near tears after seeing the fruits of their labor eaten by slugs. If you’re gardening organically this makes the task of getting rid of slugs that much harder. But don’t despair because there are some things you can do to naturally get rid of slugs from your garden.

Selecting Gloves

Some people garden and perform lawn care their whole lives using no gloves at all. But apart from the calluses and the dirt, some of us mere mortals require a little help from technology. Fortunately, the technology of gloves has come a long way in the past 50 years.

A Hose For Your Garden

Selecting a Hose

A hose is indispensable for nearly every lawn and garden. Even in areas that get regular rain, there are often dry spells that can be dangerous for plants. No matter how good your automatic sprinkler design, there are usually areas that don't get enough, causing dry spots. And, there's no good substitute for cleaning up spills or mud run-off from the patio.