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Aromatherapy Uses

There are plenty of applications for aromatherapy and these multiple aromatherapy uses are half of the reason why it is so popular, the other half being the pleasure to the senses from the aromas and the ease of use.

What is your interest? Be skin and hair care, bath or douche, massage, garden, household cleaning, or even cooking, there is a mix of aromas for you.

Skin and Hair Care

More and more of today's skin and hair care products are made using essential oils and the people using these types of products are benefiting in several ways. Not only are they giving themselves top-notch skin and hair care, they're also reaping the benefits of aromatherapy.

When it comes to using the essential oils that are such a big part of aromatherapy, it's important to understand a bit about your skin and hair type. Each plant's essential oils provide a number of different therapeutic benefits so knowing about your skin and hair will help you match up your needs with the appropriate ingredients.

Moisturizing your skin is as easy as adding suitable carrier oil into an essential oil that's appropriate for your skin type and then massaging the combined treatment into your skin.

Aromatherapy skin and hair care products can cause problems for people who have sensitive skin or allergies. If you have a bad reaction to a product, whether it's store-bought or homemade, discontinue use. If you're unsure how you will react to an essential oil, test it on a small area first for a few days and see what happens.

If the problem you're trying to alleviate isn't going away, the products may not be working. If necessary, consult with a specialist for advice on how to proceed.

Which aromatherapy ingredients to use for skin/hair care and how?

For normal skin, try using rose, lavender or chamomile essential oils. Chamomile also works well on dry or sensitive skin and skin that is prone to acne or eczema. To use any of these oils, add several drops into your favorite fragrance-free face mask and use as directed. Or add right into your bath water.

Tee tree and cajeput oils also can help with acne. A good carrier oil to mix with these essential oils is grapeseed. You can also mix several drops with rose water to create a toner.

Sandalwood oil is effective at reducing some visible signs of aging such as wrinkles and dry skin. Rose oils, frankincense, neroli and geranium oils are also effective in treating mature skin.

Palmarosa oils are commonly used in both skin and hair care products. These oils have moisturizing and hydrating qualities and they stimulate cell regeneration.

Used neat or combined with carrier oil, the essential oils mentioned above can be massaged into skin or added to bath water. Besides mixing essential oils into carrier oils, you can also mix them into creams and lotions containing lanolin as long as these products don't contain a fragrance. Then just gently massage into skin.

When excess exposure to the sun is a problem, massage affected areas with lavender or chamomile oils blended with carrier oil.

A good final rinse for hair is a mixture of apple cider vinegar, lemon essential oil and water. In a container, mix 4 teaspoons water, 2 teaspoons vinegar and 3 drops lemon oil. Massage into hair and rinse well.

One-half cup dry rosemary leaves mixed with 1/2 cup olive oil makes a good hot oil treatment for hair. Mix ingredients in a pan and heat. Strain. Coat hair with mixture then wrap in plastic for 20 minutes. Wash thoroughly.

Bath and Douche

Aromatherapy involves using the aroma of different plants to help soothe the mind as well as the body. The aromatherapy bath happens to be a very effective method for relaxing tired, stressed bodies. Bathing in essential oils is an all-natural way to unblock congested pores and ease the symptoms of fatigue and muscle tension.

Submerging yourself in an aromatherapy bath is far less expensive than seeking medical attention for your ailments, and it's something you can do right in your own home, without risk of any side effects.

Aromatherapy douches are also effective cleansing treatments but should be used with caution as only a few ingredients so far have been studied on the basis of their safety and effectiveness for internal use.

Preparing an aromatherapy bath is simple. Add about 10 drops of your favorite essential oils into a tub full of warm water and sink your tired body into the soothing water. Start with one fragrance and as you familiarize yourself with the different healing properties of various plants, you can start mixing essential oils to create the desired effect.

Take time to create the right aromatherapy bath environment. Your body has a better chance of relaxing if you first create the right mood. Turn off the lights and use candles instead. Close the door and tell your family the bathroom is 'off-limits'. And most importantly, don't rush. Make sure you have plenty of time to soak.

If you are pregnant it's a good idea to consult with your doctor before indulging in aromatherapy baths or douches.

For aromatherapy baths, essential bath oils will penetrate deep into your skin's pores. Scents such as vanilla will calm, lavender soothes and peppermint or ocean mist can invigorate.

Bath salts and bath powders also work well in aromatherapy baths. Just sprinkle them into a tub filled with warm water. These products help detoxify your skin, and relieve muscle aches and pains. Many will cause your bath water to change color, making your aromatherapy bath a visual experience as well.

Hydrosols (also known as floral waters) are less concentrated versions of essential oils and may be better to use if you have sensitive skin.

When douching select oils that don't cause irritation such as chamomile, essence of tea tree, lavender or marigold oils. Always mix with water prior to use.

Here is an aromatherapy bath oil recipe. Create a basic carrier oil blend into which you can then add your favorite essential oil. For the basic blend mix 3 ounces almond oil, 1 ounce canola oil, 1 1/2 ounces olive oil, 1/2 ounce wheat germ oil and 1 ounce sesame oil.

Pour this base oil into a jar with a tight-fitting lid. When ready for a bath, pour 1 ounce of the basic blend into warm bath water. Add 15 – 25 drops of your favorite essential oil and mix together well. Enjoy!


Massaging essential oils into the skin is a commonly used aromatherapy technique and one that'll enable you to reap tremendous therapeutic benefits. If you've never had a massage, you don't know what you're missing. After a massage session, you'll feel amazingly relaxed and rejuvenated. Here are some tips on getting the most out of your aromatherapy massage.

You'll reap the maximum benefit if you have someone else give you a massage. You can massage some areas of your body yourself, such as your feet and your temples, but what you really need to focus on while getting a massage is relaxing. You'll never be able to fully relax if you're doing the work, no matter how minimal. While you can enlist the help of just about anybody, you'll be better off if your massage is performed by a professional.

The person you choose for your massage is just as important as the aromatherapy massage environment. It should be somewhat darkened and very quiet. The only noises you should hear are natural ones such as bubbling brooks, crashing waves, a gentle rain or other similarly soothing sounds. If you can't listen to the real thing, don't worry. Pre-recorded sounds work just fine.

You'll be most comfortable and reap the most benefits if you're lying on a firm but comfortable surface. You'll also be more relaxed if you're warm so be sure you're partially covered with a soft, luxurious towel. If you're okay not being covered, then have a towel nearby in case you care to use it later on. A relaxed state will cause the body's metabolism rate to slow, which will cause the body temperature to lower.

Essential oils are best and are generally what's used for massage. Essential oils are extracted from plant material and they're most effective when they're diluted with carrier oils or hydrosols. Essential oils are highly concentrated oils and they can be too strong for some skin when used alone. Plus essential oils can be expensive so economically it makes sense to mix them with carrier oils.

The essential oils you choose depend on the benefits you desire. Lavender is excellent for relaxing while peppermint is good for soothing sore muscles. Good carrier oils to use for massage include apricot kernel, sweet almond and grapeseed.

As a general rule, you'll need 1 to 2 ounces of carrier oil to massage the entire body. The only carrier oil that is not recommended for use in massage is mineral oil.

If you're the one who are giving a massage pour a small amount of oil into your hands first to allow them to warm slightly. Rub into skin using a combination of long strokes, and large and small circular motions. Continually vary both the speed and the motion of the massage. When hand movements begin to 'drag' it's time to use more oil.

Massage oil recipes for relaxation

Lavender essential oils – Mix 4 drops for every tablespoon of carrier oil
Petitgrain essential oils – Mix 1 drop for every tablespoon of carrier oil
Frankincense essential oils – Mix 1 drop for every tablespoon of carrier oil


Aromatherapy could not exist without plants and consequently, the garden plays an important role. It's the area used for growing the plants whose aromas can then be extracted. With a bit of planning and routine maintenance, anyone can reap aromatherapy benefits right in their own back yards.

Here are a few tips to help get you started

The eventual quality of the plants you grow will be dependent on the quality of your soil. Before you begin gardening, test your soil. It may not be the right consistency to support plant life, it might have insufficient drainage or it may be lacking some important nutrients. These situations can easily be remedied. Your local garden center can help you with soil testing and preparation.

Growing herbs, something that many people do already, is an easy way to begin reaping the benefits of aromatherapy. Fresh herbs not only smell great, they can add a whole new dimension to cooking. Herbs and some flowers can be infused into oils or water and mixed into butter to create tantalizing new flavors.

It's your space so plant the flowers you enjoy smelling. Aromatherapy activates the part of the brain responsible for recalling memories and it's amazing how a simple scent can bring you back in time. The ability to recall a simpler, happier time is one of aromatherapy's most amazing benefits. If you grew up surrounded by roses or other fragrant plants, add these to your aromatherapy garden. When mature, you'll look forward to regular strolls through your very own 'memory lane'. Enclosed spaces are more intimate and can really hold in the aromas.

If you're short on outdoor planting space, use containers instead. Containers also work well in colder climates as they can be used to grow plants indoors. You can also get creative and plant seeds in between the cracks along sidewalks and stone paths.

You can plant anything you like in your aromatherapy garden. It might help to learn more about the qualities of various plants. That way, in addition to growing the plants with pleasant fragrances, you'll grow those that can actually help in the areas you seek relief.

Eucalyptus, Citronella, Lemongrass, Lavender and Peru Balsam Bark are effective natural insect repellants. Eucalyptus also has antibiotic qualities.

For insect stings, minor cuts and abrasions, create a poultice. Into a blender add 1/2 cup of lemon balm. Slowly add boiling water while blending until a paste is created. Spread paste on the affected area. Cover with gauze or a bandage.

Here's another recipe for insect bites. Combine 2 drops roman chamomile, 3 drops lavender, 1 drop peppermint and 3 drops eucalyptus in a container and mix well, then add 1 ounce cider vinegar. Moisten cotton ball with mixture and dab on the insect bites as necessary to relieve discomfort.

If you're looking for an insect repellant add 60 drops of citronella essential oil into a spray bottle. Next add in 2 ounces of witch hazel extract. Shake the bottle well before each use. Spray all exposed area to keep insects away. Citronella repels insects and witch hazel has moisturizing and soothing qualities.

Household Cleaning and Freshening

If you've got to clean house, why not reap the benefits of aromatherapy while you're at it! If you've ever tackled household chores, you know that the smell of some products is overwhelming. If used without proper ventilation, many can even cause sickness.

Wouldn't it be nice if your household chores were invigorating rather than tiring? They can be and your home can be too. Here's how. First, a few tips.

Making your own household cleansers is easy, fun and cost-effective, especially if you make large amounts.

As with all household cleaning and freshening products, remember to properly label those which are homemade. And remember to store these products in an area where children or pets can't get them. Even though they're non-toxic, ingestion of excessive quantities can cause sickness.

Always keep essential oils away from the eyes.

Which aromatherapy ingredients to use for cleaning/freshening and how?

To freshen up the air inside your home, put your favorite scent into a pot of water and simmer mixture on the stovetop for several hours. The smell of citrus rinds is invigorating but you can use any essential oil.

To ensure there's always a fresh scent in the bathroom squeeze a few drops of essential oil onto the cardboard roll that holds the toilet paper. The fragrance will release with each pull. Remember to repeat with each new roll you hang.

If you want to use chemical-based cleaning products but prefer to leave behind a fragrance that doesn't smell like harsh chemicals, make a rinse using water and your favorite essential oil. Eucalyptus, pine, lemon, wintergreen, lavender and lots of others are good choices. Four drops for every pint of water is a good ratio. Place mixture into a spray bottle and use it as a sort of 'final rinse' when cleaning. Store in a dark area.

Tee tree oil and lavender essential oils have anti-bacterial properties so you can use this type of natural mixture for cleaning countertops. Just mix a few drops with water and spray on surfaces. For large jobs such as killing mold and mildew, add about 50 drops into a bucket of water.

Here's a simple recipe for homemade carpet fresheners. In a bowl mix 4 cups of baking soda or cornstarch with 25 drops rosewood essential oil, 35 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 30 drops lavender essential oil. Break apart clumps and stir well. Pour into a shaker bottle. Sprinkle on carpets about 15 minutes prior to vacuuming. Instead of the essential oils listed here, you can mix your own personal favorites.

To clean floors, combine 15 drops of orange essential oil and 8 drops of lemon essential oils, 1 gallon hot water and 2 tablespoons liquid soap. This mixture will work on tough jobs and will leave the room smelling fresh.

Make your own dryer sheets by placing several drops of your favorite essential oil onto a towel. Add the towel into the dryer along with clothes and dry as you normally would.

For a deep sleep, place lavender essential oil into a spritz-type bottle. Lightly spritz bed sheets before retiring for the night.