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an eclectic collection of interesting information about health, work, money and life style.

The Importance of Dental Care

Everybody knows that dental care is what helps keep our smiles white and our teeth bright. But the reasons why proper dental care is so important go much deeper than that.

Minimizing Effects of Diabetes

Diabetes can present two main categories of problems, in the form of short term ill-effects and longer term harm. Minimizing both areas requires discipline.


In a world increasingly driven by conformity, consumerism, and the relentless pursuit of success, the Bohemian lifestyle offers a refreshing alternative.

The Sedentary Life

Sedentary lifestyles are those characterized by a lack of physical activity and prolonged periods of sitting or lying down, and these are not good.

Blogging for Pleasure and Profit

Blogging, once considered a simple platform for sharing ideas and experiences, has evolved into a powerful tool for communication, education, and even income generation


High cholesterol levels in blood may lead to cardivascular disease.

Self-Treatment Devices for Diabetics

Most cases of diabetes treatment are primarily in the hands of the patient. While periodic testing by a professional lab is desirable, along with regular physician consultation, the treatments themselves are typically performed by the diabetic.

Common Symptoms of Diabetes

The symptoms of diabetes can be puzzling. Even the common ones may not be present in all cases. They may come and go. And the same symptoms can be produced by other conditions. Nevertheless, there are a cluster of common circumstances that tend to mark out the disease.

Coping With Diabetes

Coping with diabetes typically involves a combination of physical treatments and psychological adjustments.