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an eclectic collection of interesting information about health, work, money and life style.


September Gardening

But now the summer is nearing an end. You may be wondering what you can do in September to prepare your garden for the coming winter and the next summer.

Save Money By Changing Your Shopping Day

You already know that the end of the season is the time to shop for things like clothing and household items. Did you know that there are days that are better for shopping than others?

Summer Fun On A Budget

Summer is here, and with it lots of activities. It seems as though once summer arrives we all want to get out and go. Be careful though, those summer activities can take a toll on your budget. Here are some tips to help keep the costs down.

Affordable Family Dining

Eating out should not be a regular occurrence, if you are trying live frugally or pay off debt, but it is not practical to expect to never go out to eat.