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an eclectic collection of interesting information about health, work, money and life style.


Kettle Bells Explained

Kettle bells seem to be all the rage right now and for good reason. They’re a great way to see serious fitness results. Let’s take a look at what a kettle bell is and why you may want to include them in your personal fitness program.

Hot Yoga

One type of yoga you may have heard of is called Bikram yoga. Another name for Bikram yoga is hot yoga. It offers many health benefits and it may be exactly what you’re looking for.

Working Mum Fitness

Working mothers have a lot to do. Not only do they spend at least eight hours a day working outside of the home, they also have to work taking care of the home. It’s no wonder moms might get out of shape; they don’t have time to take care of themselves. Experts will tell you to of the advantages of taking care of yourself, however. Following are working mother’s fitness tips which can help you.

Dance Therapy In Seniors

If you’ve ever seen a young person dance then you know it can be hard work. But it is also good exercise and fun to do. For seniors, dancing is not only healthy but also a way to interact with others their own age.

Getting old is not for sissies. It can be tough to find out that one day your joints are stiff and you can’t move as fast as you once did. This can lead to depression, isolation and feelings of loneliness in the older generation.

Exercise Tips For Chair-Bound Or Frail Seniors

We all need to get the body moving in one way or another. There are too many benefits to exercise for all of us to ignore it. Exercise builds muscle. The human body is a machine. That muscle burns fat and helps to give us strength to do the things we do each day.

For a senior, strength is important. With bone loss and lower amounts of calcium, it can be easier to break a hip or arm as a result of a fall. Keeping the body fit can improve balance and prevent falls that can be life-threatening.

Benefits of Bodybuidling for Women

It is a fact that everyone, man or woman, can benefit from adding strength training to their fitness program. Don’t have a fitness program? Well, this is the perfect time to start. Combine aerobics (for weight loss and endurance) with weight training to build up muscle tissue.

Mindy Mylrea’s Gliding Cardio Crazy DVD

Gliding is a great way of achieving sculpted muscles and toning your body while burning fat and having fun. The gliding discs system was invented by Mindy Mylrea, a fitness instructor. In her DVD “Mindy Mylrea’s Gliding Cardio Crazy DVD” she guides you through a 65 minute fast cardio workout using gliding discs. The exercises incorporate gliding exercises with high intensity drills such as lunges and squats to get your muscles (and your heart) working. You will feel your muscles for days afterwards.

Exhale: Core Fusion (DVD)

Are you in need of a great workout? Do you like Pilates and are looking for overall core strength? The DVD Exhale: Core Fusion is a great way to get fit, shed weight and inches of your thighs, hips and waist and feel great. Fred DeVito and Elisabeth Halfpapp, creators of the well-known mind/body spas, Exhale, and long-time yoga and Pilates instructors, have created this great workout DVD.

Nathan LED cyclist’s vest

Safety is paramount when you and your kids are out and about on your cycles. Not only do you need a properly adjusted helmet and lights, but also a high visibility vest. This is especially important when the weather conditions or lighting are poor, you want to be seen and be safe.

How to Choose a Good Therapist

We often need someone else to help us sort out the details of our lives so that we can live more productively and with a zest for life. That is the job of a good therapist, but, finding someone qualified to help with that is not always easy.