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Environmental Dentistry

What Is Environmental Dentistry?

The environment is an integral part of who we are. As citizens of this planet, we rely on the environment for the oxygen we breathe and the food that we eat. In turn, it relies on us for the care it needs to continue to exist and maintain a viable ecosystem.

This environmental consciousness has trickled down to dentistry. There are now dentists that strive to achieve a more ethically and environmentally responsible practice that treats the patient as a whole. Here are a few examples.

Bamboo Flooring

an eco-friendly alternative

Think about this, to produce an oak floor it takes several trees. Other trees used to make hardwood floors take upwards 15 to 100 years to grow to maturity. Bamboo takes 6 years. By choosing bamboo flooring, you’re choosing an incredibly sustainable resource.

Be Aware of Cancer-Causers In Your Home

Air fresheners and deodorizers - Our homes can harbor many unpleasant smells. Whether it’s the stinky gym shoes, the kitty litter box or the bathroom, we often get rid of those smells with air fresheners. However, fresheners often contain naphthalene and formaldehyde, two very toxic and cancer causing agent. There are wonderful natural fresheners, and essential oils or simply open the windows.

Everyday Planet Saving Tips

Saving the planet, conserving and using sustainable products, has become more than a passing fad. It has evolved into a way of life. Being environmentally conscious often also means being financially conscious – it saves money. Let’s look at 7 things you can do every day to save the planet.

Home Insulating

Insulation can be a confusing topic. How much is enough? What are the right materials? What insulation is safe and what insulation material is unsafe and potentially harmful to your health and the environment.

How to Overcome Insomnia Naturally

Insomnia affects around 1 in 10 people and can be mildly annoying to downright debilitating. Insomnia isn’t just the inability to fall asleep, it can also occur if you wake too often throughout the night or if you wake and feel un-rested.

Natural Anxiety Cures

Anxiety and stress are part of our life. They’re our body’s way of coping. Rather than take a pharmaceutical to manage anxiety, take advantage of nature and consider on natural anxiety cures.

Natural Flu Remedies

If you get the flu, it can knock you down for up to two weeks. The good news is that there are several tried and true natural flu remedies. Let’s take a look at a few of them:

Hydrogen Peroxide

How to Make Homemade Shampoo

Here are a few homemade shampoo recipes to get you started:

Avocado, honey and milk shampoo (for dry hair)

  1. peel the avocado and place in blender

  2. Add a tablespoon of honey to avocado. This will not only help to smooth and nourish the hair but will give it a lovely sweet smell

  3. add ½ cup of milk to avocado and honey.

  4. Blend on high until smooth and use within three days. If you have some left over you can simply cover with plastic wrap and store in the fridge.

How to Make Soap at Home

Homemade soap really isn’t as difficult to make as you may imagine. The hardest part is judging when the soap is done but like everything else with a little practice this becomes easier.