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an eclectic collection of interesting information about health, work, money and life style.


Wool Rugs

With the emphasis in living green and doing what’s good for the environment, you may be surprised that many of the rugs available today are synthetic. Many of them are made from petroleum products and have chemicals which could even endanger your family. Wool rugs, on the other hand, are made from natural fibers. They can also be easily cleaned up with soap and water, unlike synthetic rugs which must be cleaned with more chemicals.

Hair Removal Methods

People choose to remove body hair for any number of reasons. If you’re tired of your method, you may want to try waxing, laser or cream hair removal instead.

Common Misconceptions About Cruises

There are a number of views commonly held by those who haven't actually been on a cruise. Those views may be keeping them from even exploring the possibility of taking one. So, exposing some of those misconceptions may help.

Bedroom Furniture Styles

It's often reported that the average person spends about one third of his or her life sleeping. But add in other activities and we actually spend much more than that in the bedroom. Shouldn't it, then, be a stylish and comfortable place to be?