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The Toy Box

* Use Rubbermaid tubs as your toy box, but instead of buying one buy three and put different toys in each one. Every 3 or 4 months change the toy box and it will be like having all new toys!
* Avoid having too many toys; they’ll get boring, broken, and lost faster than you can say “put your toys away”
* Find a local trading group and swap your kids outgrown toys for something more age appropriate; sometimes called toy co-ops.
* Subscribe to the area freecycle list and give away and get some pretty cool toys (and sometimes stuff for mom and dad too!)
* Read product reviews before you go shopping; avoid toys that break easily (certain brands of dolls and action figures are notorious for arms and heads falling off)
* Don’t be afraid to let the kids pick what they want in the toy aisle, if it’s a chore give them options “you can get this, that or this” instead of standing in the toy aisle waiting for a decision
* When your child wants to buy a toy that you aren’t thrilled about have them make a list ~ why they want the toy and how it benefits them, this will help them see if they really do need or want the toy.