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Things To Do For Free

Things To Do With Your Kids For Free, Or Almost Free!

Play with them. You will need to invest your time and not much else. If you are out of ideas, check some of the suggestions below.

Have a picnic - of course requires food out of the fridge and stuff from around the house, use paper plates for easy clean up, spread a blanket out right outside your house and have a picnic. Raining? No problem, move the furniture out of the way and have a picnic on the living room floor.

Take a walk Anywhere! - Around the yard, around the block, just walk chit chat and spend some time together without the bustling noise of video games, televisions, or phones.

Go somewhere - Go to the local park, playground, garden path, or whatever you have for gathering of children in your area with no admission fees! Even if you go to the local school during “off time” usually weekends and after 6:00 pm on weekdays get some play time in and have a ride on the swings.

Take pictures - what better way to see the world through your child’s eyes than to hand the camera and let them snap a few shots.

Go to the movies. At home! - Make a big bowl of popcorn and snuggle up to watch a favorite movie together, remember to turn out the lights for super theater effect.

Play videogames together - You know that video game they like to play? Play it with them, trust me there will be laughing, a lot of it.

Play lively - Indoors or outdoors. Play hide and seek or Red Light 1-2-3. Classic, and still fun.

Draw a picture - set a topic, make it a contest, then frame the best or display it on the fridge.

Sing - Make up a song about them…or you…or the dog…or anything! Then sing it of course.

Play quiet - Play a board game or teach them to play cards.

Read a book, tell a story - Read and comment about what you are reading. Just because they are not toddlers anymore does not mean they do not like stories. Take turns at telling stories.

Write - Write a story about something crazy and fun!

Fun indoors - Make a scavenger hunt around the house.

Fun outdoors - Make a scavenger hunt around the yard. Make and fly a kite.

Brainstorm - Choose an object and come out with fun things to do with it, then do some. Wnat an example? See things you can do with a paper bag.

Things You Can Do Wth a Paper Bag

  • Make a puppet
  • Pack a lunch
  • Make your own microwave popcorn (kernels, oil, etc… tape shut, microwave)
  • Make a book cover
  • Use it for origami projects
  • Recycle it
  • Cut it up and make craft labels, scrap book bits, or gift cards from it
  • Use it to make paper-mache
  • Paint a picture on it
  • Decorate it with stickers and use it as a gift bag
  • Make a luminary for your yard
  • Use it to collect donations for charity

It is not only children like to play, that is the way they learn best. You can have a great time and improve your memory, creativity, concentration, communication skills, thinking skills, learning skills, speed up their mind and improve general intelligence. Would not you tell this is a good use for your time, a good investment?