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Preparing For A Pet Bird

Consider the type of bird you want. There are so many species to choose from but not all birds will make suitable pets nor are they readily available. The most common species of birds kept as pets include:

Parakeets – These are probably the most often purchased and make wonderful pets for those new to keeping birds. They take very little space and don’t require as much maintenance as larger birds. They are relatively quiet but can learn a couple of phrases. They live about 12 to 14 years.

Cockatiels – These are slightly larger than Parakeets and they will require a little more space. They sing and whistle as well as mimic other sounds. They live approximately 15 to 20 years and also make a good choice for new bird owners.

Lovebirds – A small parrot species, these birds are intelligent and fairly quiet. They live up to 20 years and are about 6 inches from the top of their head to the tip of their tail. They are a good choice for new bird owners and those who live in apartments.

African Grays – Many first-time bird owners choose this species of bird because they are able to learn to speak up to 2,000 words. They are smart but also demanding. They can live up to 70 years so it is important to be prepared to provide for the bird for the duration of its life.

What will you need for your new bird? Obviously you’ll need a cage; get the largest one you can afford and have it set up before you bring the bird home. You’ll want to be aware of cold drafts and harsh sunlight when choosing where to place the bird. While you may want to keep it near a window so the bird can see outside, you don’t want to place them in direct sunlight.

You’ll also need accessories for the cage – perches, toys and liner for the bottom of the cage. Most cages will have some type of perch but you may want to purchase additional perches or swings. Birds are also intelligent and require toys to keep them occupied while you’re away. You’ll also want to trade out toys to keep them happy.

Food, treats and supplements will also be needed. Ask the people you purchase the bird from what food they’ve given the bird. A book about the species of bird you’re getting will also give you ideas about the food requirements for your bird.

You can also talk with an avian veterinarian to learn more about your new pet and establish a relationship with them. Even though your bird will likely be healthy when you purchase it, it may become ill in the future. Choose a reputable avian veterinarian and introduce your bird soon after you purchase it.

The above steps will help you be prepared if you purchase a new feathered friend. Take time to do research so you’re able to make an informed decision about which species of bird is best for your family. Then do what you can to prepare your home for the new arrival and enjoy your new pet.