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Nine Tips for Great Coaching

Coaching is often a labor of love. It does not matter if you are coaching a person on what steps to take in their career or coaching an Olympic athlete, there are certain things that every coach has to do to be successful in helping the person down their path to their goal. Here are nine tips that are worth keeping in mind to be a great coach.

Tip One

You need to be a good listener to your client. There are going to be times when your client says that their goal is one thing, when their real goal is something completely different. As a great coach, it is up to you to listen to the words that your client is telling you. As you listen, the true goal that your client is trying to reach will become clear to you. Great coaching needs to include the proper focus on the right goal for your client.

Tip Two

Be inventive with your response and approach to your clients needs to reach their goal. It is important to tailor the approach that you will use to help each client. Innovation will help you to achieve great coaching success with your clients.

Tip Three

A neutral base for all interactions with your client will help you to succeed at your coaching. There will be times when your client will be emotional and ready to quit on you for a number of reasons. Stay detached and neutral with your feelings as you interact with your client. This will help you to choose the best ways to move past obstacles that are in her path.

Tip Four

Throughout your coaching there will be times when your client will need your support during non-meeting times. To be a great coach, you need to offer a way for your client to get in touch with you when they need extra support on the road that they are on.

Tip Five

As a great coach, you need to always be learning. There will always be new aspects to what you are coaching. It is in the best interest of your clients to keep up to date on everything to do with your coaching field.

Tip Six

One of the most important things that you need to do to be a great coach is to instill trust in your clients. Make sure that your clients feel that you are there for them and that helping them attain their goals is your number one priority.

Tip Seven

Communication is an important tool for great coaching. Effective communication is key to building a great coaching relationship with your clients.

Tip Eight

Trust and confidentiality are key to maintaining a healthy coaching relationship and business. As a coach it is important to adhere to a strict confidentiality policy so that your clients will open up to you.

Tip Nine

All great coaches are relaxed as they set their clients on the road to their success. The more relaxed you are, the better your clients will do with the coaching that you give them.