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Managing Customer Data

Whether you are in a full blown brick and mortar business, operating a business out of your home, or maybe a traveling salesperson, you will have customers, business associates and various other contacts. And like the rest of us, you will need to have access to their contact information. This information can and will be anything from a simple phone number to complete mailing addresses, fax numbers and maybe certain dates. If you have it written down, chances are it is important.

The question is, where do you keep this information? On your cell phone, PDA, computer, on a notepad, maybe even in a camera if there are pictures? There are many places in which to keep information and considering today’s technology, many people choose an electronic device in which to store their pertinent information.

Wherever you keep it, there is one hugely important rule when obtaining, storing and maintaining this information: Back it up! I know people who are freelance writers and photographers, and those same people have lost a majority of their information at one time or another. They wake up, turn on their computer or other electronic device and see that it is crashing or has crashed. Imagine the stress they feel when they realize that all their information could be lost.

There are many ways to avoid this - maybe not the crash necessarily, but the loss of data. All you has to do is simply have a backup procedure on a regular basis, and chances are you will lose nothing - or if you do, the impact will be minimal. Alternative backup is available in many forms - using CDs to copy, using an online storage facility, or using an email service and sending all these items to yourself.

This email trick is one I use for information that is not content sensitive. In managing customer data, keep in mind organizational skills and know what content is sensitive. Having an organized system will alleviate a lot of time looking for information. If there are several people who use the same information, a plan needs to be in place in case someone goes looking for what you have; if they can’t find it, at least they would know where to look.

Maybe this is something as simple as a sign out sheet. If using a database program, go through this database every couple of weeks and update, delete or add to the information that you already have. In doing this, you can take outdated information away and update information where necessary, which allows more accessibility for others.

Lastly, keep your information secure. You can use the services of an outsourced company to keep your records or keep them yourself but either way, keep your information safe from being stolen. Don’t leave information just lying around. Don’t leave it in your car if you can help it; people break in. Don’t leave sensitive information in your email or just in a simple saved file within your computer. Things get stolen and hacked into.

By using proper security within your database management as well as good organizational skills, you will not only save time, prevent losses and maintain security. You will also be much happier when you are on the go and you need information in a hurry.