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Keep the Personal Touch

When it comes to marketing, adding a personal touch can make all the difference. Some forms of marketing are very hard to personalize, of course. It’s not like you can do much with a flyer or business card.

It’s quite the opposite when it comes to email marketing. This is one form of marketing that is highly customizable. And the end results can be very profitable.

When you personalize your email marketing messages, you are sending a message to your customer that they are important. Most autoresponders will allow you to insert your customer’s first name. People respond very well to their names, and this is a proven way to get someone’s attention.

An easy way to do this would be putting the recipient’s first name in the subject line of the email. This way, the email stands out in the person’s inbox. The recipient’s eyes will immediately be drawn to it when they see their name.

Personalizing the email’s opening is always a good idea. Would you rather read an email that said “Dear Subscriber” or one that actually had your name on it? We’re guessing you would go with the second option, and for good reason.

The first example of ‘Dear Subscriber” seems very cold and detached. It doesn’t sound like the writer is interested in the reader at all.

When you turn that around and add the subscriber’s first name, it sounds as if the writer actually cares. It also makes it sound as if the writer is talking directly to the reader. This can definitely help establish trust and lay the foundation for a great business relationship.

That doesn’t mean that anyone should go overboard with their personalization. Some business owners add a subscriber’s name throughout their emails. That seems very phony and your readers will be able to see right through that.

Your emails should read in a conversational tone. No one repeats their friend’s name in every line of a conversation. It wouldn’t sound natural for your emails to do this, either.

The other thing to watch out for is incorrect grammar and spellings of names in your mailing list. For example, someone who is quickly filling out the subscription form for your mailing list may have written “Jjane” instead of “Jane”.

When you send out an email, your autoresponder will display the name as it is written. Even though the subscriber made the mistake originally, they won’t remember that. They’ll just see you are sending them an email that misspells their name.

Your autoresponder program will let you go inside the program and edit the spellings. If you don’t have time to do this yourself, this would make a great task to outsource to a virtual assistant.

By providing a small bit of personalization, your emails will stand out as friendly, welcoming, and conversational. Your readers will think you are talking to them directly and that the message is meant just for them. That will go a long way to help increase your sales.