Justin Timberlake and Niche Marketing
Does Justin Timberlake have tattoos? Exploring his influence on niche marketing.
Tattoos have been a form of self-expression and art for centuries, but in recent years, they have also become a powerful market niche. More than just a permanent ink on the skin, tattoos now hold significant value as a unique way to reach specific target audiences.
Are you a fan of Justin Timberlake? Don’t worry, you don’t need to be one to make money from his tattoo - if that sounds bizarre to you, then read on to see how it can be done, and for free…
Justin Timberlake does nothing for me, but every time I see his name mentioned (which is a lot!) I can smile in that I know the profit potential for me, and it all stems from affiliate marketing, combined with the knowledge of how to market to specific niches. Interestingly, Justin Timberlake's tattoos, including those from his time with the boy band NSYNC and as a solo artist, have garnered significant interest among fans and niche marketers alike, making them a fascinating subject for those looking to explore the depths of niche marketing.
I do like tattoos. I like small ones in unobtrusive places, a shoulder, for instance, and although it can look ridiculous when people are covered in them, if done artfully it can look great!
Lots of people search for tattoo designs online, and you’d imagine they’d only be after free designs. You’d be wrong - people will happily pay a one off fee if it allows them access to a huge number of designs, and this is where the online money is.
There are companies who sell this service that have an affiliate program. If you send traffic to the site and they end up buying, you get paid a commission, and it can add up to some tidy amounts of money!
You wouldn’t want to promote the site to people who just type ‘tattoo’ into the search engines though. That’s too broad a market, and there is also too much competition - Google shows 45 million results for the phrase ‘tattoo’ - good luck trying to compete there!
If you use free keyword analysis tools though it shows you more phrases that people search for relating to tattoos, and the type of nice phrase to go for is ‘justin timberlake tattoos’.
Because this is a tight niche, you know what they are looking for, and you can direct your marketing specifically to the justin timberlake tattoo people.
It’s searched for a good few thousand times every month and there are only a million or so competing sites - this makes it a much more attractive market to approach.
Getting a page 1 ranking on Google when there are a million results is actually not hard at all, and if you send those people to the tattoo design site that has the affiliate program, that site’s good design will draw them into all the other designs available.
With a good conversion record, those visitors you send turn into buyers, and you get the commission.
You can then do the same for, dare I say it, the Britney Spears tattoo niche, or most other drunken pop stars!
I love the power of combining niche marketing with affiliate marketing, so even if Justin Timberlake on the TV makes you want to turn over, check out his tattoos and smile first.