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Infant Massage

The Benefits of Infant Massage

Newborns are exactly that: newly born. Their first experiences of the world are many and diverse. Stimuli impinge on them from all angles and processing all these perceptions is a normal part of development. Parents can help that development in numerous ways, one of which involves touch.

Common experience and professional studies agree that babies are naturally exploratory. Reaching out, grabbing, turning over and other touch-based sensory experiences are a common part of that process. All these experiences help develop their faculties. Integrated with new sights and sounds, babies quickly learn to correlate a vast range of phenomena.

Infant massage takes that process one step further.

Touching a baby in the form of gentle kneading provides instances of awareness between caregiver and newborn. It represents security and the knowledge that the caregiver is close by to meet their needs. Even though the infant can't describe the value of this practice, they are aware of it at their own level.

That bond is amplified and solidified by and during infant massage. The regular, careful pressure reduces infant stress and reassures them. At the same time, the parent is participating in that two-way bonding activity, so he or she benefits as well.

While those highly beneficial values are being created and enjoyed, certain physiological changes are taking place during infant massage episodes. Gradually and slowly, neurological development is being stimulated. The relaxation that occurs helps the immune system as a result of reduced stress. Non-verbal communication helps the process along.

Naturally, all these benefits depend on taking the proper care to perform an infant massage correctly. Avoiding excess pressure on somewhat fragile muscles and bones is only the beginning.

Setting aside a time when the parent can provide a massage in a relaxed atmosphere is important. Babies sense when a parent is tense and rushed. Just before the baby's normal final bedtime (and the parent's) is a good time, though not the only one.

Keeping the baby at the right temperature is important, too. Babies can easily become too warm or chilled. Their hormonal systems are still adjusting and 'learning' to regulate body temperature in response to external conditions. One way to help is to keep the room comfortably warm and free of drafts. Most massages are done with little or no baby clothing. Take that into account. Also, ensure your own hands are warm before beginning.

A dimmed room, but one that still allows the newborn to see the parent, is beneficial. Baby eyesight is limited both in the ability to see in low light and in distance.

Fifteen minutes per day is plenty. While infant massage is no magic cure, it does promote bonding, relaxation, mental and physical stimulation, and overall well-being for your newborn - and you.