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How Organization Can Make or Break a Business

Being organized is essential to the health of any business. An organized office runs more efficiently and provides a less stressful environment for business owners and employees. And it's just more pleasing to look at than a disorganized office.

Disorganization makes everything much more difficult than it needs to be. This affects more than the obvious aspects such as filing. It tends to spill over into virtually every part of the business, and that can be disastrous.

Organization of Information

Proper information management can save an enormous amount of time and effort. Filing systems need to be easy to use and understand. And it is of utmost importance that they are used correctly and consistently.

When files become misplaced, it can take hours of work to retrieve them. If a business has a large number of files, a misplaced file may take so long to find that it's not worth the effort. Then a new file must be made, and valuable information from the old file may be lost.

Storing information on computers instead of in paper files makes things somewhat easier. But it is still important to organize the computer files in a way that facilitates easy access. This can usually be easily accomplished with the right software. It's also vital to make backups and keep them well organized in case of hardware failure.

Organization of Duties

Another area of organization that is important is the organization of employee duties. Each employee should know exactly what he is responsible for. That doesn't mean that employees can't help one another if needed, but every task should ultimately be one person's responsibility.

If duties are not clearly divided, work may not get done because everyone thinks it is someone else's job to do it. This can lead to tensions between employees. And employee tension leads to low morale, which in turn leads to lower productivity.

Organization of Work Areas

All work areas should be well organized for optimum efficiency. Each employee's desk or office should be organized so that she can find the things she needs quickly and easily. Office supplies should also be easy to find. Searching for small things can take up a surprisingly large amount of time.

Why Is Disorganization So Bad?

Disorganization in a business can have a domino effect. If an employee can't find a needed file, he will have to spend time looking for it. That cuts into time that could be spent on productive work. If his work doesn't get done on schedule, the client is not happy. The unhappy client may take his business elsewhere and tell others about his bad experience, resulting in a loss of one customer and potentially more.

Organization can make a huge difference in any business environment. When information, duties, and the office in general are disorganized, it makes every aspect of the business less efficient. An organized business, on the other hand, has the potential to be a happy and productive one.