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Gym Versus Outdoor Workouts

So you’re getting ready to work out and you have to make a decision. Work out in the gym or get outside? It’s a tough call. Both have their pros and cons. Let’s break it down and compare.

Working Out In the Gym Pros

Climate controlled. One of the benefits to working out in most gyms is that they’re climate controlled. In the summer they’re a balmy 65-70 degrees and in the winter they’re a cozy 65-70 degrees. You don’t have to worry about the sun scorching your shoulders or getting rained on.

Variety. Another huge benefit to working out in a gym is that you have options. You may head to the gym with the idea that you’re going to run on the treadmill but then get there and decide to do the stair stepper or spin bike instead. And you can simply trot over to the weights and do strength training before or after your cardio.

Social connection. Now you don’t have to be social at the gym but you can. There are other people around, you can take a class and it’s easy to make friends.

Instruction. Most gyms also offer assistance. If you want someone to look at your form while you’re lifting weights, you can find a trainer. If you want help using some equipment there are people to help you. And you can hire a trainer to help you get and stay motivated. They’re right there and ready to help.

Facilities. Many gyms also offer coffee shops, juice bars, child care, saunas and hot tubs and other amenities that you just can’t get outside.

Working Out In the Gym Cons

Money. Belonging to a gym costs money and let’s face it. When many folks are cutting back a gym membership isn’t often on the required list.

People. Sometimes it’s nice to work out by yourself. You’ll never have a gym to yourself. And on the same note, when you’re running or working out outdoors you don’t have to worry that the last person to use the equipment didn’t clean it off.

Image. Sometimes it’s a bit much to workout at the gym. Maybe you worry about how you look or maybe you just don’t want to feel like you’re on display. When you’re outdoors it’s easier to feel inconspicuous.

Outdoor Workout Pros

Cost effective. Working out outdoors is free!!

Sunshine and fresh air. There’s really nothing more to say here. Sunshine and fresh air are good for the body and the mind.

Your own timetable and rules. Outside, you never have to worry about the equipment being used or have to wait in line.

Outdoor Workout Cons

The weather can change on a dime. It’s not much fun to be stuck in the rain or a lightning storm.

Emergencies. If you’re outside for your workout and you’re by yourself if something happens you’re kind of on your own. If you’re in a gym and you twist your ankle all you have to do is ask an employee to help you. If you’re out on a trail and you twist an ankle you have to rely on yourself.

Limited variety. Sure there are hundreds of different outdoor workouts but they’re not waiting, lined up along the wall, waiting for you should you change your mind. Nope, if you set out for a run then you’re going for a run.

Whether you choose an outdoor workout or a gym, there are pros and cons to both. Your personality, time limitations, budget and fitness interests will likely guide you in one direction or another. There’s no right or wrong answer. Just enjoy yourself!