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Formal Ballet Training For Kids

Pros and Cons of a Formal Ballet Training for Kids

Because children are so easily influenced you may want to spend time learning about formal ballet training with your child before signing them up for classes. You’ll also want to be prepared to let your child quit if they decide it really isn’t right for them.

Pros of formal ballet training for kids

  • Ballet training will teach your child discipline. As they grow, this skill will be beneficial to them in most areas of their lives.
  • Learning ballet will teach them the importance of practicing until they can consistently perform steps to achieve the success they desire.
  • Children who take ballet training are also more active than many children, even some who are involved in sports. Ballet training is strenuous so the child will become fit, limber and strong as they continue training.
  • Shy and withdrawn children learn to perform in front of others which can help draw them out and overcome their shyness.

Cons of formal ballet training for kids

  • Ballet training can be expensive (and time-consuming). Perhaps there isn’t training nearby but your child continues asking. How much time will it take to get your child to training? How much will lessons be? You’ll also have to purchase shoes, tights, costumes and leotards. Each of these will cost money and can be expensive when you add them all together.
  • Once your child begins taking ballet training they may cease being able to act like a kid. They will have to travel to and from class, take the class and then participate in performances. What will they be giving up by taking ballet?
  • Training of this sort takes more dedication and discipline than many children have. They may find they don’t like the lessons as much as they thought and become disruptive so children who truly want to learn can’t.
  • Children who don’t like performing may withdraw rather than blossom. The more they’re pushed to perform the more damage may be done to their self-esteem.

You may want to seriously consider whether your child truly wants to take formal ballet training or whether it is just something you always wanted to do as a child? Does your child ask you over and over to take lessons, or have the mentioned it only once or twice?

Think about the pros and cons of formal ballet training for kids before enrolling them. You want to know your child is going to enjoy the activity but also be willing to follow through with lessons once they’ve started.