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Ease Colic Discomfort

The causes of colic remain an area of active research. But parents don't need to wait for a full answer from science to treat this common bowel pain that induces so much crying.

Tips to Ease Colic Discomfort

Some newborns' symptoms are eased by changing their positions. Rolling the infant on its side especially followed by pressing it up against the mother's abdomen has worked for many distressed children and parents.

Sounds in general may be one of the most popular methods for treating colic.

The sound of ocean waves has settled more than one colicky baby. Some studies suggest it emulates the environment in the womb. Until the final answer is validated, experience continues to favor this method as one which works.

Even certain artificial sounds can serve as a distraction and, possibly, a (temporary) cure. While anecdotal, many parents report that the sound of a vacuum cleaner causes their baby's symptoms to disappear. This may be because the noise is startling, making them forget their painful stomach. Or, it may help the child release gas or even produce hormonal changes. Not fully scientific, but well worth a try.

Even white noise has proved beneficial in many households. The static from a TV set, or the general noise provided by special CDs can help. It may be that the method simply helps lower stress.

It would seem that babies have little reason to experience stress. But everything is new and adapting to it takes effort. While this isn't the same as adult stress, a calming atmosphere does reduce the odds of acid reflux and other physical circumstances that can be related to colic.

Music can be an important means to applying this method. Music does indeed have charms to sooth the savage breast, as the poet says. A gentle Chopin Piano Etude or a pleasing Vivaldi piece are recommended by music experts. Some studies also provide evidence that it helps young minds develop, too. But a lilting nursery tune isn't just for the Irish, either.

The connection between colic and sound or music cure is unclear, but the technique gets a lot of 'votes' from real experts: real parents!

Certain foods or drink may be beneficial, too.

Check with your doctor first, but small amounts of herbal tea has been known to help some babies' colic symptoms. Never give strong teas to a newborn. But gentle green or dilute peppermint tea may be helpful, if approved by your physician. They're also good for the immune system.

Some physicians say that altering the formula or method of feeding for bottle fed babies can help reduce colic. Babies sometimes get too much air in the stomach, which promotes colic. Here again, be guided by your doctor's advice. But colic may be caused, at least in part, by abdominal gas so there can be something to this.

A whole range of health issues can be addressed by breastfeeding. While there is no sure cure for colic, proper breastfeeding can help reduce gas and definitely does provide antibodies to stave off diseases. Some stomach bacteria are helpful, but others give off gases that can cause upset.

Last, but far from least, let time be your healer.

Patience, per se, won't cure colic. But it is nevertheless beneficial to both parent and child. Since the condition tends to occur within a few weeks of birth, but goes away spontaneously after a few months, waiting is one valid form of treatment. At the same time, ample patience will help parents keep their sanity during this trying time.

Time really does heal. Some newborns never get colic. But virtually all who do will see it disappear after a few months at most. If the symptoms persist longer, see your physician for a diagnosis that may reveal a different condition, such as lactose intolerance.