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Bikini Blast workout: 3 moves that really work

Bikini season is in full force. The days are long and hot and the pools and beaches are packed. If you’re not feeling up to putting on that bikini just yet, we have some great exercises for you. Add this bikini blast workout to your daily routine and get beach ready in no time.

Bikini Blast Workout Move #1 The Lunge

The lunge is one of the best moves you can do for a great backside. Here’s how to do it right:

Step #1 Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Step #2 Take one foot and step forward so your knee is bent at 90 degrees and directly above your toes.

Step #3 Lower your body until your back knee is nearly touching the ground.

Step #4 Raise your body up and repeat the motion on the other side. Repeat on each side 8-12 times. You can add weights for extra resistance.

To add more impact to the exercise, squeeze your gluteus muscles as you raise and lower your body.

Bikini Blast Workout Move #2 The Squat

The second move for a great bum is the squat. It should be noted, however, that if you’re going to do squats with a barbell (they’re really fun to do) that you absolutely need a spotter. The squat is an exercise where it’s easy to hurt yourself if you don’t have a spotter, particularly if you’re lifting at your maximum. That being said, you don’t have to lift a barbell to enjoy the benefits of a squat. You can use hand weights or no weight at all.

Here’s the movement:

Step #1 Stand with your feet just about shoulder width apart.

Step #2 Bend your knees with the bar on your back until your hips come lower than parallel.

Step #3 Stand up.

When you’re performing the move, really squeeze your glutes so you get the full benefit of the motion.

Bikini Blast Workout Move #3 Crunches

The final move for a great bikini body is a crunch. This exercise works your abdominals and oblique’s for flat abs and a small waist.
The movement:

Step #1 Lie flat on your back and bend your knees. Cross your arms over your chest.

Step #2 Contract your abdominals, bringing your shoulder blades off the ground a few inches. Be sure to exhale as you “crunch” and to keep your head and neck straight.

Step #3 Hold the movement at the top, breath, and lower back down until your shoulder blades just touch the ground.

Step #4 Repeat the movement until your abs burn and you can’t take it anymore.

You can add weights to this exercise by holding onto them with your hands across your chest. You can also add more to the movement by bringing your knees up as you lift your shoulder blades off the ground. This works your lower abdominal muscles.

The bikini blast workout only takes a few minutes each day and when coupled with thirty minutes of cardio each day, you’ll see results fast. Soon you’ll be the one at the beach everyone is envious of.

Trim abdominals

Trim your abdominals with these moves.