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an eclectic collection of interesting information about health, work, money and life style.


Managing Worry

Managing worry is one of the life skills. One of the most common problems faced by mothers today is their inability to stop worrying. It’s just a natural thing for mothers to do. We know that our children our young and don’t realize all of the dangers within the world, so we worry. Not only do we worry about our children, but we also worry about our relationships with others, our jobs, our finances and many more things. For some reason, women seem to be more susceptible to excessive worrying.

Little Things You Can Do to De-Stress

As a parent, especially mothers, it’s extremely easy to get caught up in the everyday chaos of life with kids. However, this doesn’t mean you have to be stressed out as you deal with the daily struggles this life brings. While it might sound impossible, you can find ways to relieve pressure. There are little things you can do to de-stress. Below are just a few of the many ways to do this.

The Importance of Organization

Good organization and planning will help relieve stress to anyone but this is more important for mothers. There are far too many mothers out there who feel as if they are constantly under an enormous amount of stress. Obviously, when you have children, stress and worry come with those children. However, there is no reason that you should always be stressed out. Sadly, this is the case for most mothers though.

Raise Confident Children

Parents want only what is best for their children. They want their children to be able look to the future with the self-confidence to reach for the stars and overcome any obstacles along the way. The following tips will give you the tools you need to help your children do just that.

Attachment Parenting

There are a lot of different philosophies out there about how to raise your children. One of more popular parenting philosophies that’s been publicized in the past few years is attachment parenting. Many people don’t understand exactly what it is. Attachment parenting is when the parents try to form a close, special bond with their children. This strong relationship with their parents is said to help a child develop strong, healthy, secure relationships in the future.

Raise Eco Friendly Kids

It seems today’s society is becoming totally apathetic to the world around them. Many children in particular are more concerned with playing the latest video game and don’t really pay much attention to the environment around them. It may seem hard to get your children to show an interest in the world around them, but you can get them to care if you start early and take small steps. You may not make a difference overnight, but you may just make a difference in the future of the planet.

Fear of Water

Some children take to water like a fish, but others are afraid of getting wet in anything other than a bathtub. If you’re concerned about your child being afraid of it, use some of these top tips to get your child over the fear of water. Not only will helping them over this fear empower them, it could save their lives in the future.

Survive Sleepovers

It’s inevitable. If you have children they will eventually ask if they can have a friend, or friends, spend the night. For those who remember being a child and sleeping over at a friends’ house and the chaos that ensued, you may be wondering how to survive sleepovers.


Few things in the life of a family are as traumatic as when it alters through divorce. Each individual involved is often confused, angry, feeling betrayed and uncertain about what comes next.


Sometimes being a parent is like being in middle management. You have not only a whole host of issues to deal with in relation to the kids, but grandparents can introduce another set. Grandparents in the parenting mix present all the issues of influence from others, but with the obvious added wrinkle that they have a special relationship to both the parents and the children.