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Baby Shower Planning Timeline

A baby shower is a time for celebration. To make sure the baby shower you host is one that guests talk about for a long time, in a positive way, do yourself a favor and follow this baby shower planning timeline.

Baby Showers and Budgets

Many of today's baby showers are elaborately-detailed special occasions complete with food, entertainment, themes, party favors, professional talent and more. It's easy to see that, if someone's not watching the bottom line, costs can easily escalate out of control.

A Baby Shower is a Time for Celebration!

The idea of the baby shower came about as both a special time for family and friends to be together before the baby's arrival and also to help relieve the financial burden on parents-to-be by supplying them with things they'll need once their baby arrives.

Halloween Decoration Choices

Halloween just isn't complete until the house has been decorated. But which way to go? Gothic and Ghoulish? That always works. Traditional and Terrifying? Sure, you could do that. Graveyard chic? Yeah, that's a perennial favorite, too.

Making Final Preparations for the Baby Shower

The baby shower date has finally arrived! So much has already been accomplished, yet there is still so much to be done. By now, the guest list should be stable, the location should definitely be confirmed, and the food, shower decorations, baby shower favors and cake should have already been purchased or at least ordered

Baby Shower Photography

A baby shower is definitely a time when it's important to capture memories of the special occasion. One thing that the guest of honor can count on is that at least one guest will come equipped with a camera.

Baby Shower for the Adopted Child

Adopting a child is an exciting time. Only after the adoption finally becomes legal can parents take a deep breath and resume a normal family life. For many, part of that normalcy means arranging a baby shower so that family and friends can get together to welcome the newest member of the family.

Unique Wedding Gift Ideas

A wedding is a special time in a couple's life. It is the beginning of their life together as husband and wife. So why not buy the newlyweds a wedding gift as unique as they are. With all of the wedding gifts on the market today, it is sometimes hard to narrow it down to one the couple with love. However, there are some unique wedding gift ideas that the bride and groom are sure to love.

Hiring Professional Talent for a Baby Shower

Some baby showers actually turn out to be elaborate gatherings with all the extras guests typically only see at wedding receptions. Sometimes, because today's hosts are busier than ever, it just makes more sense to hire professional help than it does to try to take on all the additional tasks involved in planning/hosting a baby shower.

Baby Showers The Second Time Around

One of the biggest dilemmas having to do with baby showers is whether it's appropriate to arrange one for someone who already has been given a baby shower for her firstborn child.