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an eclectic collection of interesting information about health, work, money and life style.

First Steps in Painting

Getting started on a new project is always the hardest part. One major reason for that, especially in the case of painting your house, is the knowledge barrier. There's just so much to know to get the job done right. Read on and flatten that hurdle between you and your house's brand new look.

Networking for Potential Customers

Networking may be one of the oldest forms of advertising. Traditionally, business people would attend designated “networking meetings” where they would meet other people and exchange business cards in the hope that one of the people they talked to would send some clients their way.

Las Vegas, Cirque du Soleil

The astounding Cirque du Soleil is an enormous acrobatic act... and so much more. If you have an image of the old time circus with clowns and acrobats, be prepared for a shock. Cirque du Soleil has this, and much more, but in a form that is wildly different.

Things to Do in Cordoba

During the 10th century Cordoba was the cultural center of Spain. Several cities in this ancient country might now claim that title. But, many sights in this Andalucian town show why Cordoba was - and still is - one of the leaders.

Garlando G200 Football Table

The Garlando G200 Football Table is made of butcher-block style 0.75 inch thick laminate as the box, assembled on top of black steel legs. It comes with chromium-plated steel telescopic rods with blue and red players. These are permanently molded onto the rods and made of high quality thermoplastic. The table includes easy instructions and playing accessories. It comes only partially assembled, but is easy to set up.

The Golden Gate Bridge

In 1937, then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt pressed a telegraph key in the White House. That simple action officially announced an event much of the world was already anticipating: the opening of The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

Look Locally for Small Business Start-Up Guidance

Starting a small business is certainly no easy task, and business owners need all the help they can get. Most will turn to places like the Federal Government or Small Business Association for help. While these are great places to start, there is a wealth of local resources in more areas that can provide more individualized help for start-up businesses. Combining the guidance from city and state resources with the help of national programs can be a huge boost for those preparing to start their own small business.

Deciding When to Have the Baby Shower, Before or After

A baby shower is a great way to spend time with close family and friends, and being showered with useful baby gifts is pretty fun too. And what's really nice about a baby shower is that it's a fairly easy occasion to plan.