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Science Crafts

Science and art go hand in hand in this science crafts. Use them as starting point to design new crafty experiments.

  • Make a lava lamp with an empty plastic bottle, vegetable oil, water, food coloring and Alka-Seltzer.
  • Cook up some clear gelatin, pour into clear plastic cups and allow cooling for about 1 hour. Add little plastic toys and watch as they stay suspended in the gelatin. Allow chilling for a few more hours before it’s ready. Warning…this craft is not edible.
  • Growing crystals is a beautiful and fun scientific craft. You can make them using alum, salt or sugar.
  • How about a volcano for a fun and scientific craft? You form a volcano out of clay by molding it around an empty plastic bottle. Fill the bottle nearly to the top with warm water and a few drops of red food coloring. When you’re ready to make things erupt, add a few drops of dish soap and a couple tablespoons of baking soda.