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Office furniture, beauty versus function

When buying office furniture, we often tend to think only in terms of utility. But appearance can play a valid role, and not simply in order to impress clients.

When you look for an ergonomic chair, you're interested in one that is comfortable, with controls to adjust the back angle and arm rest height. A desk with a keyboard shelf should be adjustable in terms of both height and angle. These features help make the furniture more usable and reduce the odds of back or wrist pain. That allows them to fulfill their primary role, the reason you buy them in the first place: to increase productivity.

But how they look also fulfills that goal, in part, though perhaps in more subtle ways.

Going to the office, especially a home office, requires motivation. For those running a small business, keeping that motivation high day after day through 14-hour, seven-days-a-week challenges can be tough. Disappointments are frequent, rewards often less so. Many entrepreneurs report that keeping their spirits up is actually the hardest part of running the business.

A fine looking piece of furniture can well help ease that burden. Even the most practical-minded persons are affected by the environment around them. It's no accident that motivational posters, photos and prints continue to sell well. Even a child's drawing can be a reminder of why we work so hard. An elegant desk can draw you to the computer.

Most successful business-people are so in part because they have good focus. They can really concentrate, shutting out distractions. But even the most dedicated will take a moment to look up, scan around and see the office decor. Filling it with a fine looking set of document holders or a stylish pen holder brings a smile. Having a work table that is a thing of beauty as well as function is a delight.

The objects we choose are a reminder of who we are and our unique personalities. We feel more at home when the furniture and accessories reflect our values. Since those vary from person to person, every area will be different. Even in relatively large, impersonal settings like big corporations you see cubicles adorned with personal items. But every one tells us something about who works there.

It's not a mere indulgence to choose items that dress up the work area just the way you like. It lifts your mood, which has a direct bearing on how eager you are to work there. When you're excited about getting down to business, you get down to business much better.

Beauty, after all is said, is a very practical value.