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Natural Anxiety Cures

Anxiety and stress are part of our life. Rather than take a pharmaceutical to manage anxiety, take advantage of nature and consider on some natural anxiety cures.

They’re our body’s way of coping. And some anxiety is good. It can even save your life. However, the majority of the anxiety you feel causes a whole host of side effects, which over time can have a detrimental effect on your health.


Passionflower has a long history as an anxiety reliever and was commonly used as a folk remedy. More recently, passionflower has been studied as an effective means of reducing anxiety. However, passionflower is not without side effects, as is the case with many herbs. Passionflower side effects may include nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and rapid heartbeat.

Massage and acupuncture

For many there’s nothing more relaxing than a massage. Massage helps to alleviate tension stored in your muscles as well as to improve body function therefore making it easier for you to manage anxiety. Sometimes just knowing you have a massage on your schedule can help to alleviate anxiety. Acupuncture, on the other hand works to balance your body’s systems and to create a mind body balance so you can better manage anxiety, stress and other challenges you may face.


Meditation has long been held as a popular relaxation technique. There are a variety of meditation approaches from walking meditation to focused breathing. Meditation not only helps to relieve anxiety it can help you achieve clarity, mental focus, and an overall sense of well being.


Exercise releases endorphins – feel good hormones. These hormones have a tremendous effect on your mental wellbeing. They not only soothe our weary nerves, they virtually banish anxiety. After a hard workout, there’s no room for anything else. You’re too tired. Even better, these endorphins last for quite a while so the effects of anxiety busting exercise can last well through that nerve-wracking presentation you have to give. Mind/body breathing exercises, physical exercise, yoga, tai chi, self-hypnosis, meditation, and biofeedback are just some of the stress reduction techniques used for anxiety. Try different techniques and determine which routine you can stick to with a hectic schedule.


Biofeedback is a means of essentially training your mind to control your body. It measures your physical responses to anxiety, like an increase in blood pressure, and helps you to recognize them. Once you recognize the physical symptoms of anxiety, you can then begin to control them.


Valerian, an herb commonly used to treat insomnia, is also used to treat people with mild anxiety. Side effects of valerian may include mild indigestion, headache, palpitations, and dizziness. It has a strong scent many find unpleasant however, you can take it in capsule form, rather than tea, and alleviate much of the scent.


Kava, an herb that is Native to Polynesia, is also an anti-anxiety remedy. However, there is a potential risk of severe liver injury resulting from the use of dietary supplements containing kava.

Gamma-aminobutyric Acid aka GABA

GABA is an amino acid. Scientists know that prescription anxiety drugs work by affecting the GABA receptors in the brain and have deduced that GABA supplementation may have a positive effect on anxiety however more research is needed to validate the theory.


Aromatherapy is a tried and true natural anxiety reliever and typically works best for moderate anxiety. Essential oils of bergamot, cypress, geranium, jasmine, lavender, neroli, rose, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang can be added to baths, placed in a diffuser, or inhaled.

Vitamins and Minerals

Calcium, Magnesium, and B vitamins all help your body to deal with stress and anxiety. In fact, you can often find ‘stress vitamins’ that contain B vitamins and minerals. They work by influencing your body’s physical reaction to stress and anxiety. Of course, to receive the anxiety busting benefit, you must take these vitamins and minerals on a daily basis.

Anxiety doesn’t have to rule your life and destroy your health. Embrace these natural anxiety cures and start feeling calm and relaxed today – no matter what life may throw at you.