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Easter Craft Ideas

Easter Craft Ideas for Everyone

{rokbox title=|Decorated Easter eggs. You can do it too.|}media/images/easter-eggs.jpg{/rokbox}

Eggshell Shells

Everyone colors eggs at Easter. But eggshells also make great material for a wide range of craft items. Hard boil a few eggs, then color one each in a primary color or make rainbow patterns. Allow to dry, then break off the shell in chunks. You could use raw eggs, but hard boiling them saves the trouble of cleaning, drying or sterilizing.

Now you've got a whole pile of colored eggshell pieces. What to do? You could use spray adhesive to glue them to a nice wicker basket. Now something plain has been turned into a festival of color! Or, you could apply them to a small piece of cloth cut in the shape of a vest for a doll. Apply the colored pieces to simulate miniature football shoulder pads. Or make tiny colorful shoes or a little hat for a bunny doll.

Paper Plate Easter Bunny

Paper plates are another handy everyday item that can be used for simple Easter craft projects. Here's an ultra-easy way to use them to make a cute little Easter bunny.

Take one paper plate and fold it in half then release. Along the fold, cut about 1/3 in toward the center from each side, leaving 1/3 in the middle uncut. Now you can fold about a quarter of the paper plate down on each side, so the craft will stand up on its own. Paint a pink nose and black eyes onto the center of this portion.

Glue the rim to another paper plate lying flat on the table. Use still another plate to cut out some bunny rabbit ear shapes. Color the interiors pink with crayon, colored marker or hobby paint. Leave the border white, like real rabbit's ears. Attach the ears to the standing section made earlier by sliding them into the slits made by your cuts and glue them into place.

Now you've got a bunny rabbit who is sticking his head up out of his little rabbit warren hole to take a look around!

Easter Bunny Doll

Easter bunny dolls are fun and simple to make. A few strips of felt and some stuffing are all you need to make a great looking stuffed toy. Make sure the dog doesn't get it, though!

Cut up some old rags and curl them into arms and legs. Or, curl them around cotton balls for extra fluffiness. You can tie the rags into place with small bits of colored thread. Tie the legs at the ankle, knee and upper thigh. Tie the arms at the wrist, elbow and just above and below the shoulder. That gives the limbs definition.

Do the same to make a torso, neck and head, and those all-important ears. The limbs can easily be sewn onto the torso, or tied together by overlapping cloth parts and securing with thread. Then you can paint the face with hobby paint, or glue some colored eggshell bits on for the nose and eyes.
