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Complications with Shingles

Shingles is a virus that is caused by the same type of varicella as chickenpox. Unlike chickenpox, however, shingles can be very painful and last for weeks. It is often characterized by a rash on the torso, but that rash can appear anywhere on the body and cause complications.

Shingles is like chickenpox but only because of the offending virus. Usually, a rash will form on the back of the torso and loop around one side of the body until it reaches the breastbone. Within the rash are many blisters that are filled with fluid. When they open up, you are able to spread the condition to other parts of your body as well as to other people. Anyone infected with shingles will not develop that condition but chickenpox.


Like we said, the rash can appear on any part of the body. When it is discovered around the torso and you have also flu-like symptoms, your doctor will most likely tell you that you have contracted shingles.

There are people who show no symptoms when they develop shingles. They have the condition but no sign of the blisters or the rash. In this case, you may pass it on to others more readily than when you can identify the reason.

Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant in the near future need to avoid individuals with shingles. The sores can possibly be passed on to the newborn or the mother. This can be dangerous for the child and can cause complications.

Also, older people are more likely to get shingles. After all, it is usually reported in individuals who are over sixty years of age. If their immune system is compromised, then they are at greater risk. Along the same lines, seniors who did not contract chickenpox as children are more susceptible to getting it in older age. The pain alone can make that unbearable.

When shingles rashes appear on the face, it can endanger your eye health. An infection of shingles in the eye can possibly lead to loss of sight.

There is a condition that can occur when shingles affects certain nerves in the body. It is called post-herpetic neuralgia. This is pain that hangs around long after the blisters have popped and crusted over. It is believed that the brain begins to send wacky messages throughout the body resulting in widespread pain. A strong pain medication may be prescribed to help manage it until it passes.

Untreated shingles can also lead to cellulites. This is an inflammation within the cells of your body. They usually develop just under the skin. The area will get red and hot to the touch. Medical attention is needed to fight the infection before it spreads.

Are you dealing with shingles? Be careful. There are different kinds of complications that you need to be aware of so you can avoid them.