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The Benefits of Regular Exercise

Bodies crave movement. It’s in our blood. Anybody, everybody needs physical activity to stay healthy. Here are some of the benefits of regular exercise.

No one wants to hear the “e” word. It leaves a bad taste in their mouths. Exercise means work and when you have a regular job you don’t want more work afterwards. But, exercise doesn’t have to be work. You can make it fun so that your body can reap the benefits.

Before we talk about the benefits of regular exercise, let’s talk about ways to make it fun so that you’ll want to reap those rewards.

Find a buddy – Working out with a partner gives you someone to confide in and also to be challenged by when you feel like quitting.

Find an exercise that you like – We all used to play outside as kids. What did you like to do? It could be riding bikes, walking, swimming, hiking or something entirely different. As long as it gets your body moving on a regular basis and your heart rate increases, you can consider it exercise. Get involved in intramural sports with a local group for fun.

Now, let’s move on to some of the benefits you will see after you begin an exercise program.

Weight loss or weight maintenance – Exercise can help you lose those stubborn pounds. As you lose the weight you will also lower your risk of some diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease and joint problems.

Increased mood – Exercise increases endorphin production, substances that aid in feeling good. Some people who exercise regularly are addicted to feeling this “natural high.” It can also lower your risk of depression.

Better sleep – For those who have problems falling asleep, exercise can help with that. Increased activity aids in restorative sleep. You feel more rested when you wake in the morning.

Increases clarity – Having trouble focusing at work? Exercise can remove that brain fog. You will feel more focused and better at problem solving.

Setting an example for others to follow – Kids learn from their parents. One of the best benefits is a healthier family. Getting your children up off the couch and from being on those game consoles and out in the fresh air is the best gift you can give them. They learn the importance of making time for physical activity.

How often should you exercise? Experts go back and forth, but at least three times a week for thirty to forty-five minutes is best. If you can exercise most days of the week with at least one day of rest, that will improve your health even more.

Are you participating in any physical activity? If you aren’t, get moving. You won’t be sorry.